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Sonskip Lewendigemuseum / Living Museum
The heavenly difference in living.
This is an earthship development in South Africa with the following purposes
- Living museum to demonstrateĀ self sustainingĀ autarkic)Ā buildings – Sonskip
- Living quarters
- OraniaĀ EJMĀ IT office
Die hemelse verskil op die aarde.
Dit is ‘n aardskip ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika met de volgende doelstellings
- Lewendigemuseum om selfvoorsienendeĀ (outarkiese) geboue te demonstreer – Sonskip
- Woonkwartiere
- OraniaĀ EJMĀ IT kantoor
Wall of Fame – Bekendes

Jeroen van den Berg – cameraman, Paul Brothers – sound engineer, Rik van der Westelaken – presenter, Twan van der Nieuwenhuijzen – chief editor, Retha, Ludwig en Esther Oostveen – journalist, 23-03-2017

Minette, Bea, William, Salet, Eduan en Nantes, 02-02-2017.

Edward Waters, USA diplomate in Nigeria, and his family, 22-03-2016.

The very famous Chris Chameleon and Daniella Deysel visited the earthship, 28-08-2015.

The earthship was visited by the MD of Radio Pretoria.

Mick Hobday the Corn Flake Traveler was here with Richard Pears and Hanneke van Linge at the earthship and filming just about everything.

Homeschoolers came to visit the earthship, 19-12-2014.

Sunette Bridges and friends came to see what Orania’s earthship looked like . Sunette’s comment was in one word “WOW!”
Check the numberplate, they traveled all the way from the Netherlands just to come see the Earthship.



First official tour of the Earthship/aardskip in Orania South-Africa.

American-Dutch film-makers on site 07-10-2011.